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TEMAK Water Kiosks

«ΤΕΜΑΚ Water Kiosk» is a new technology autonomous system by TEMAK SA.  ΤΕΜΑΚ Water Kiosks are designed and manufactured according to the water to be treated. Water Kiosks include solutions individually or in combination for disinfection, filtration to remove suspensions, iron, manganese, organic load, heavy metal removal, desalination by reverse osmosis, systems for post treatment, storage, disinfection and automatic system of disposal of pure potable water etc and carry all those elements that make them safe in relation to the consumer, the staff and the environment.

In Water Kiosks treatment is done in brackish water that comes from the boreholes of the island or the network of each area. The Water Kiosks units are constructed and ready for operation, ergonomically installed in a metal hut specially shaped externally depending on its installation area.

Giving priority to the needs and requirements of the citizens, TEMAK SA enables all residents, visitors and all neighborhoods of each area to be supplied with a symbolic cost of Potable Water directly from the mobile kiosks, reducing the burden of the environment from plastic bottles.



Market Brochure

Technical Leaflets